74 research outputs found

    Biogeomorphic recovery of a river reach affected by mining

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    Environmental changes are impacting river systems worldwide. These arise from factors such as flood magnitude–frequency changes, direct human management interventions, inadvertent human impacts on sediment supply and fluvial regimes and landscape-scale changes in climate. Historical and active metal mining is significant in this regard. Here, we investigate morphodynamic changes within a reach of the River Ystwyth, Wales, since 1845. We analyse historical and contemporary information derived from maps, river flow records (1962–2021), metal analyses of sediment samples (1970s and 2021), ground geomorphological surveys (1970s and 1986–1987) and remotely sensed imagery (2001–2021) to investigate changes during a period of active metal mining followed by a century of post-mining recovery. During the studied period, an initially meandering river was transformed into a braided one, subsequently reverting to a single sinuous channel. Sinuosity reduced from 1.31 in 1845 to 1.09 in 1982 before recovering to 1.39 in 2019. Inversely, the braiding index reduced from a maximum of 2.0 in 1987 to 1.5 in 2021. Evolution in planform was associated with a change from expansive bar formation and avulsion under braided conditions to lateral bar accretion and associated bank erosion along a sinuous single channel. The initial 19th-century channel pattern and floodplain instability seems to have been related to mining sediment toxicity effects rather than a response to high sediment volumes, with recent recovery and channel style reversion being attributable to vegetation encroachment and biomass stabilization of the floodplain. Causal factors of recent recovery appear to be colonization by gorse (Ulex europeaus) in the absence of physical control measures and a reduction in grazing by the native rabbit population because of a disease-induced decline in their numbers. These results highlight the importance of riparian vegetation in addition to sediment balance and hydrological processes in controlling fluvial responses to environmental changes

    Physical and biological controls on fine sediment transport and storage in rivers

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    Excess fine sediment, comprising particles <2 mm in diameter, is a major cause of ecological degradation in rivers. The erosion of fine sediment from terrestrial or aquatic sources, its delivery to the river, and its storage and transport in the fluvial environment are controlled by a complex interplay of physical, biological and anthropogenic factors. Whilst the physical controls exerted on fine sediment dynamics are relatively well-documented, the role of biological processes and their interactions with hydraulic and physico-chemical phenomena has been largely overlooked. The activities of biota, from primary producers to predators, exert strong controls on fine sediment deposition, infiltration and resuspension. For example, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) associated with biofilms increase deposition and decrease resuspension. In lower energy rivers, aquatic macrophyte growth and senescence are intimately linked to sediment retention and loss, whereas riparian trees are dominant ecosystem engineers in high energy systems. Fish and invertebrates also have profound effects on fine sediment dynamics through activities that drive both particle deposition and erosion depending on species composition and abiotic conditions. The functional traits of species present will determine not only these biotic effects but also the responses of river ecosystems to excess fine sediment. We discuss which traits are involved and put them into context with spatial processes that occur throughout the river network. Whilst strides towards better understanding of the impacts of excess fine sediment have been made, further progress to identify the most effective management approaches is urgently required through close communication between authorities and scientists

    The Tagliamento River: A model ecosystem of European importance

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    In NE Italy is a remarkable floodplain river that retains the dynamic nature and morphological complexity that must have characterized most Alpine rivers in the pristine stage. This river system, the Fiume Tagliamento, constitutes an invaluable resource not only as a reference site for the Alps, but as a model ecosystem for large European rivers. The Tagliamento has a number of attributes that have not been given due consideration in river ecology: (i) an immense corridor of more than 150 km2 that connects the land and the sea and two biomes, the Alps and the Mediterranean; (ii) unconstrained floodplain segments characterised by a dynamic mosaic of aquatic/terrestrial habitats; and (iii) a large number of vegetated islands (ca. 700). We believe it is critical to understand the functional roles of these endangered attributes in order to effectively engage in river conservation and management programmes. The Tagliamento River in Italy offers the rare opportunity to investigate natural processes at a scale that can be studied almost nowhere else in Europ

    A novel albumin gene mutation (R222I) in familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia.

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    CONTEXT: Familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia, characterized by abnormal circulating albumin with increased T4 affinity, causes artefactual elevation of free T4 concentrations in euthyroid individuals. OBJECTIVE: Four unrelated index cases with discordant thyroid function tests in different assay platforms were investigated. DESIGN AND RESULTS: Laboratory biochemical assessment, radiolabeled T4 binding studies, and ALB sequencing were undertaken. (125)I-T4 binding to both serum and albumin in affected individuals was markedly increased, comparable with known familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia cases. Sequencing showed heterozygosity for a novel ALB mutation (arginine to isoleucine at codon 222, R222I) in all four cases and segregation of the genetic defect with abnormal biochemical phenotype in one family. Molecular modeling indicates that arginine 222 is located within a high-affinity T4 binding site in albumin, with substitution by isoleucine, which has a smaller side chain predicted to reduce steric hindrance, thereby facilitating T4 and rT3 binding. When tested in current immunoassays, serum free T4 values from R222I heterozygotes were more measurably abnormal in one-step vs two-step assay architectures. Total rT3 measurements were also abnormally elevated. CONCLUSIONS: A novel mutation (R222I) in the ALB gene mediates dominantly inherited dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia. Susceptibility of current free T4 immunoassays to interference by this mutant albumin suggests likely future identification of individuals with this variant binding protein.This work was supported by funding from the Wellcome Trust (Grant 100585/Z/12/Z, to N.S., Grant 095564/Z/11/Z, to K.C.) and National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (to C.M., and M.G.).This is the final published version of the article. It was originally published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (Nadia Schoenmakers, Carla Moran, Irene Campi, Maura Agostini, Olivia Bacon, Odelia Rajanayagam, John Schwabe, Sonia Bradbury, Timothy Barrett, Frank Geoghegan, Maralyn Druce, Paolo Beck-Peccoz, Angela O'Toole, Penelope Clark, Michelle Bignell, Greta Lyons, David Halsall, Mark Gurnell, Krishna Chatterjee. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014 Jul 19;99(7):E1381-6. Epub 2014 Mar 19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/jc.2013-4077). A correction to this article was issued because the CC-BY licence was not present on the final published paper (http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/jc.2015-1656)

    A hierarchical multi-scale framework and indicators of hydromorphological processes and forms

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    Background and Introduction to Deliverable 2.1. Work Package 2 of REFORM focuses on hydromorphological and ecological processes and interactions within river systems with a particular emphasis on naturally functioning systems. It provides a context for research on the impacts of hydromorphological changes in Work Package 3 and for assessments of the effects of river restoration in Work Package 4. Deliverable 2.1 of Work Package 2 proposes a hierarchical framework to support river managers in exploring the causes of hydromorphological management problems and devising sustainable solutions. The deliverable has four parts. Part 1 (this volume) provides a full description of the hierarchical framework and describes ways in which each element of it can be applied to European rivers and their catchments. Part 2 includes thematic annexes which provide more detailed information on some specific aspects of the framework described in Part 1. Part 3 includes catchment case studies which present the application of the entire framework described in Part 1 to a set of European catchments located in different biogeographical zones. Part 4 includes catchment case studies which present a partial application of the framework described in Part 1 to a further set of European catchments.European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme (2007 – 2013

    Recent advances quantifying the large wood dynamics in river basins: New methods and remaining challenges

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    Citation: Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Piégay, H., Gurnell, A. A., Marston, R. A., & Stoffel, M. (2016). Recent advances quantifying the large wood dynamics in river basins: New methods and remaining challenges. Reviews of Geophysics. doi:10.1002/2015RG000514Large wood is an important physical component of woodland rivers and significantly influences river morphology. It is also a key component of stream ecosystems. However, large wood is also a source of risk for human activities as it may damage infrastructure, block river channels, and induce flooding. Therefore, the analysis and quantification of large wood and its mobility are crucial for understanding and managing wood in rivers. As the amount of large-wood-related studies by researchers, river managers, and stakeholders increases, documentation of commonly used and newly available techniques and their effectiveness has also become increasingly relevant as well. Important data and knowledge have been obtained from the application of very different approaches and have generated a significant body of valuable information representative of different environments. This review brings a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative summary of recent advances regarding the different processes involved in large wood dynamics in fluvial systems including wood budgeting and wood mechanics. First, some key definitions and concepts are introduced. Second, advances in quantifying large wood dynamics are reviewed; in particular, how measurements and modeling can be combined to integrate our understanding of how large wood moves through and is retained within river systems. Throughout, we present a quantitative and integrated meta-analysis compiled from different studies and geographical regions. Finally, we conclude by highlighting areas of particular research importance and their likely future trajectories, and we consider a particularly underresearched area so as to stress the future challenges for large wood research. ©2016. American Geophysical Union